Kip Allen’s Drumming on Madeline Edwards’ Nashville Sessions Cover of “Halo”

Madeline Edwards has been making waves in the music industry with her unique blend of country, soul, and jazz influences. Her latest project, a cover of Beyoncé’s “Halo” for Apple Music’s Nashville Sessions, is a testament to her versatility and talent. However, behind every great artist, there’s a team of skilled musicians who help bring…

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The magic happens in the mix recording studio

Mix Recording Studio

A mix recording studio is, literally, where the magic happens in the music industry.  As a songwriter, music producer, and session musician, Kip Allen is well-aware of how important a properly constructed and properly designed mix recording studio is.  Call Kip the next time you need the best that Nashville has to offer for your…

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famous singer songwriter

Singer Songwriter

The following is a tribute to a famous singer songwriter, one who heavily influenced music for the last sixty years . . . David Crosby! Kip Allen, like so many other Nashville musicians, was touched by the songs produced by this late, great musician, and in part it was people like David Crosby who inspired…

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mix music online

Mix Music Online

Can you mix music online? Of course you can mix music online. Should you mix music online?  We take a look at that question in this article by Kip Allen, renowned Nashville session drummer, songwriter, and music producer.  Call Kip when your next gig is just too important to settle for second-best. How to mix…

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determining who is the best percussionist in the world is not easy

Best Percussionist In The World

Wondering who is the best percussionist in the world?  Do you wish you were the best, but don’t know how to achieve your goal?  Read on as Kip Allen, session drummer, percussionist, and Drum Workshop Artist, a resident of Nashville since 2008, tells you what it takes to become a great percussionist, and who he…

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a music production studio is where the magic happens

Music Production Studio

What is a music production studio?  What components make up quality music production companies?  Can you create a quality studio in your own home? We will answer these questions in this article, with information provided by Kip Allen, highly-respected Nashville songwriter, music producer, session drummer, and Drum Workshop Artist. Call Kip Allen when what you…

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a music production studio is where the magic happens

Best Studio Musicians

Who are the best studio musicians in your area? How do you find the best studio session musician in your area? What do the best studio musicians cost? We will answer those questions in this informative article, information supplied by Kip Allen, a leading songwriter, music producer, and studio musician in Nashville, the Music Capitol…

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top music producers of outstanding recordings

Top Music Producers

There are those who are top music producers in the nation, and there are those who are top music producers in your particular area.  They may, or may not, be the same people.  In this article, we will help you to identify the top music producers in any area, how to find them, and what…

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mix music online

Beat Production

Beat production is exactly like it sounds: the production of a beat.  But, since this is an online, informative article, we have a bit more to say on this topic. For the very best in beat production, for the very best in session drummers, in Nashville, the name Kip Allen will continually be mentioned. Call…

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famous singer songwriter

Famous Songwriters

Let’s take a moment to discuss famous songwriters, past and present, and how they arrived at the fame they now enjoy.  A warning, though: this will be a realistic look at the music industry, from Kip Allen, Nashville songwriter, music producer, and session musician.  There will be no sugarcoating in this article, no false hope,…

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music production companies

Music Production Companies

In this article, we will take a look at music production companies, a general description of what they are and what they do.  Information is provided by Kip Allen, Drum Workshop Artist, and respected Nashville songwriter, music producer, and session drummer. Call Kip Allen when you are looking for the best. What are music production…

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musical session

Musical Session

What is a musical session? How are they conducted and organized? Are there different types of music sessions? We will answer these questions in this article, presented by Kip Allen, outstanding Nashville songwriter, session drummer, music producer, and Drum Workshop Artist. Call Kip the next time only the very best will do for you music…

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The magic happens in the mix recording studio

Music Video Producer

Becoming a music video producer was not something most people thought about a mere thirty years ago.  Of course, the ability to combine music and “acting” had been around almost as long as Thomas Edison; the capability of making a music video was with us in the Fifties and Sixties.  But it wasn’t until the…

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best studio drummers

Best Studio Drummers

This article is about the best studio drummers available, in your area and nationally, and what criteria go into determining who are the best studio and session drummers. And, who better to provide this information than Kip Allen, Drum Workshop Artist, and one of the best studio drummers/session drummers in all of Nashville, the Music…

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music production companies

Lyric Writing

What is lyric writing?  How does a person perform that musical task? What talents does it take? What is the difference between a good songwriter and an outstanding one?  Nashville songwriter Kip Allen answers these questions in this article about lyric writing.  Call Kip if you are looking for one of the best songwriters, music…

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musical session

Best Session Drummers

Who are the best session drummers? How do you find them?  We will answer those questions in this article, presented to you by Kip Allen, outstanding and renowned session drummer, touring drummer, songwriter, music producer, and Drum Workshop Artist, residing in Nashville, the Music Capitol of the United States. Call Kip if what you want…

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beat producer

Beat Producer

What is a beat producer? We will answer that question, and dive into the confusion of that term, in this article.  The term “beat producer” is actually one of some controversy, oftentimes used incorrectly by those who lack the understanding of those two words, beat and producer.” Looking for an outstanding beat maker/producer in the…

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The magic happens in the mix recording studio

Mixing Mastering

The term “mixing mastering” may be a bit confusing for many, but for those in the world of music, it is as well-known as “singer songwriter.”  Without the fine arts of mixing and mastering, the songs you hear on the radio, or while streaming, would sound considerably less than. The following information is provided by…

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Nashville multi percussionist

Multi Percussionist

What is a multi percussionist? We will answer that question in this article, as well as tell you where you can find these talented individuals in your city. Kip Allen has been a reliable, professional session drummer, songwriter, percussionist, and music producer in the Nashville area since 2008.  When what you are doing calls for…

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a music production studio is where the magic happens

Session Drummer Wanted

There are two types of people who will read this article about session drummer wanted: those who are looking for a good session drummer, and those who are session drummers hoping to be hired. With that in mind, we will attempt to give you information about both scenarios.  This information is based on the knowledge…

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best session musicians need to pay their dues

Best Session Musicians

Whether you are looking to hire the best session musicians in your area, or you want to become one of them, this article should provide you with some useful information, and it is provided by Kip Allen, outstanding session musician in the Music Capitol of the U.S., Nashville!  Call Kip Allen for your next recording…

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mix music online

Best Music Producers

Who are the best music producers in your area?  How do you find a music producer? How do you know if they are the best?  How can a song producer help you? Those questions are answered, in this article, by Kip Allen, highly-respected Drum Workshop Artist, songwriter, and music producer in Nashville. Call Kip the…

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creating a drum studio

Becoming A Session Musician

Do you have aspirations of becoming a session musician? Do you know how to go about it? This article should help fill in whatever gaps of knowledge you have regarding this aspect of the music industry, and the information comes from Kip Allen, Drum Workshop Artist, and one of the most respected session drummer in…

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famous singer songwriter

Album Production

Album production has changed drastically in the past few decades. With advancements in technology, the process of producing a finished product, a product with an outstanding sound, has become much-more efficient, and much-more outstanding in sound.  In this article, by Kip Allen, one of the most respected songwriters, professional drummers, and music producers in Nashville,…

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mix music online

Remix Song

How best to describe how to remix song to someone who has never done it?  It is known by many terms i.e. mix music, audio mixing, mixing and mastering, remix music . . . but what does it mean? And who is responsible for doing it? We will tackle those questions in this article, the…

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a music production studio is where the magic happens

Studio Session Musician

What is a studio session musician? How does that differ from a touring musician, or online session musicians? We will answer those questions in this article, and also tell you how to find a studio session musician who is qualified and who can blend in and provide you with outstanding background music.  And, in Nashville,…

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session drummers

Session Drummers

What are session drummers? How much do they cost? Where can you find session drummers in your community?  These questions are answered in this article, and they are answered by Kip Allen, session drummer, songwriter, music producer, and Drum Workshop Artist, one of the most trusted names in the Nashville music industry. Call Kip the…

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The magic happens in the mix recording studio

Online Mixing and Mastering

Online mixing and mastering is slowly changing the music recording scene, and in this article we will give an overview of this new phenomenon, which is rapidly replacing the studio recording aspect of music production.  Information for this article provided by Kip Allen, Nashville songwriter, music producer, and Drum Workshop Artist. When you want the…

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beat producer

Online Music Sessions

Online music sessions, with remote session musicians, would have been unthinkable ten years ago.  Now, it is commonplace.  For those of you unfamiliar with the online music process, this article is for you and should clarify it for you. Looking for a session musician in the Nashville area?  Kip Allen is a trusted name, and…

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a music production studio is where the magic happens

Session Players

What are session players? Session players/session musician (also known as backing or studio musicians) are musicians hired for recording sessions or live gigs for a temporary period of time. Session musicians are not typically permanent members of the group or project hiring them. The key point is temporary, and as such session players are always…

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song producer

Song Producer

Let’s take a look at the world of a song producer, and answer some questions you might have about song production.  Kip Allen has been a Nashville fixture since 2008, a trusted song producer, songwriter, music producer, session drummer, and touring musician. You can call Kip at 817-995-8093 the next time you need a song…

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who are the best percussionists of all time?

Touring Drummer

What is a touring drummer?  Is it the same as a session drummer or a studio drummer? How do you hire one for your next tour?  We will attempt to answer all of these questions in this article, and the information you receive comes directly from Kip Allen, Nashville drummer, Drum Workshop Artist, and highly-respected…

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mix music online

Recording Engineers

What do recording engineers do?  What kind of qualifications do they have? Where do they work from? We will answer all of these questions in this article, brought to you by Kip Allen, Drum Workshop Artist, music producer, songwriter, and session drummer. Call Kip at 817-995-8093 for more information about his recording experience and to…

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beat producer

Percussion Player

What is a percussion player, otherwise known as a percussionist?  The dictionary will tell you that a percussion player is anyone who plays a percussion instrument, but that doesn’t really tell you anything of value, does it?  Hopefully this article will fill in the gaps of knowledge the dictionary left behind. This information if presented…

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